Cluedo FX

Cluedo FX

Players: 2-4 Play Time: 30 minutes Age: 8+ Description Clue FX Electronic Talking Clue Game by Hasbro Games and Parker Brothers. Parker Brothers Deluxe Detective Game with More Suspects, More Mystery, More Fun. Clue FX brings the mystery to life with...
Cluedo FX


Players: 2-6 Play Time: 45 minutes Age: 8+ Description The classic detective game! in Clue, players move from room to room in a mansion to solve the mystery of: who done it, with what, and where? Players are dealt character, weapon, and location cards after the top...
Cluedo FX

Cluedo DVD

Players: 3-5 Play Time: 60 minutes Age: 10+ Description The usual suspects are wreaking havoc at Tudor Mansion, and Scotland Yard needs your help! Can you crack these challenging interactive cases, plus unlimited others in the special bonus game? The DVD brings you...
Cluedo FX

Cluedo Jr.: The Case of the Missing Cake

Players: 2-6 Play Time: 30 minutes Age: 5+ Description A children’s “Jr.” version of the classic Clue game. Instead of discovering who killed “Mr. Boddy”, players have to discover “Who ate the cake?” Players have to discover...
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